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“Eczema isn’t a one-size-fits-all condition, and therefore doesn’t have a one-size-fits-all solution. We’ve all tried different routes, creams, treatments etc. and no one thing works for everyone - otherwise we’d all be using it!”
There is a plethora of practical and medical advice that can be obtained online, and finding what works for you can be difficult. Hence why it is important to revisit your healthcare professional. Make sure you have an honest conversation with your healthcare professional about realistic expectations.
Eczema is a very personal experience and you need to keep in touch with your healthcare professional. It’s important to remember that there’s not a ‘one size fits all’ approach to eczema.
Within dermatology, there are questionnaires that have been created to help you better explain the way you are feeling, and how your skin condition is affecting your life. Find out more about these questionnaires in the article below.
If you live with a chronic condition, such as atopic dermatitis (AD), it may be easy to forget just how much of an impact on your day to day life your condition has. This might be because you are used to struggling with symptoms daily that it is hard to imagine what life would be like without these symptoms. To try and explain exactly how your skin condition may be affecting your life, a series of questionnaires were developed that measure the effect of your skin condition on your quality of life and how severe this condition is. These questionnaires give you a clear and objective voice to help explain just what you are going through.
The Atopic Dermatitis Control Tool (ADCT) is a self-administered, validated questionnaire that assesses your perceived control of your atopic dermatitis over the past 7 days. It is a short questionnaire with just 6 questions that is quick to complete and very easy to interpret. Each of the 6 questions is scored between 0 and 4, with a maximum score of 24. If someone scores above 7, it is thought they may have less control over their AD. An increase in score of 5 points indicates a worsening of atopic dermatitis control. It is a short but powerful questionnaire that is used to detect any possible changes and to ensure patients have sustained control over their AD. Because of this, it is a great questionnaire to fill out before any appointments you may have with your healthcare professional. To complete the ADCT, click on the Chatbot or go to the Atopic Dermatitis Control Test (ADCT) questionnaire.
Similarly, to ADCT, the Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) questionnaire is a self-administered questionnaire. It aims to assess your health-related quality of life over the past 7 days. The DLQI was the first dermatology specific quality of life questionnaire designed and was published in 19942. It is still widely used today. The DLQI is suitable for anyone aged over the age of 16. There is a total of 10 questions all with corresponding scores depending on how severely your life is affected in that area. The scores of all 10 questions are then accumulated and together will identify if your AD is having no, a small, moderate, very large, or extremely large effect on your life. If you score higher than 10, your AD is considered to be severely affecting your life.
A change in score of 4 points or more is considered to be clinically important3. It would be best practice to record the date you took the questionnaire, alongside your score to track any changes you may experience. Would you like to take the DLQI to see how much AD is affecting your life? Click here for a downloadable PDF version.
Published just a year later than the DLQI in 1995, the Children’s Dermatology Life Quality Index (CLDQI) is used to measure the impact of AD on children aged 4-164. Like the DLQI, this questionnaire spans the past 7 days and should be completed by a child aged 4-16 with or without the assistance of their parent/caregiver, depending on capability. The score provided to each of the 10 questions is cumulated and will determine whether your/your child’s AD has no, a small, moderate, very large, or extremely large effect on your/your child’s life5. If you would like to assess how much of an effect AD may be having on your/your child’s life, you can complete the CDLQI questionnaire here.
All the above questionnaires are key to helping you gain a further understanding of how your/your child’s skin condition may be affecting your/their quality of life. Knowing this information may help to empower you, helping you to understand more about all the different aspects of your/your child’s life that may be affected by your/their skin condition that you didn’t even realise were affected.
Completing and keeping track of any potential changes in your questionnaire score will not only be beneficial to you but will also be useful for your healthcare professional. Whether you are considering talking to your GP about your skin condition for the first time, or have been under a dermatologist for a while, the questionnaires are a great tool to help you have more constructive and efficient conversations with your healthcare professional. These questionnaires will help aid the conversations you are having and therefore, taking these questionnaires just before your appointments will give your healthcare professional the most up-to-date idea of how your skin is currently affecting you. Having a clearer understanding of exactly how AD is affecting your life will further give you the tools needed to help take control.
MAT-XU-2400604 (v3.0) | August 2024